Raja Ampat Dive Sites

Dive sites around Dampier Strait
- Location : South of Kabui Bay
- Photography: Wide Angle and Macro
- Best Depth 5-25m
Mioskon is an excellent Dampier site to dive on a rising tide when the entire southeast tip of the reef is covered with schooling fish. Hundreds of lined snappers usually cover the slop from shallows to 25m where the coral meets a sandy bottom. Giant travellies, schooling Barracuda, millions of fusilier. Bommies sheathed in northern Raja Ampat’s signature purple soft corals shelter glassy sweepers and several species of Anthias. Look carefully around these bommies for wobbegong sharks and tiny Pontohi seahorses.
Mike’s Point (Kerupiar Island)
- Location : Dampier Strait off Southeast Gam
- Photography: Wide Angle and Macro
- Best Depth 5-30m
Named by Raja Ampat dive pioneer Max Ammer in honor of his son, has some of the best fish life in the Dampier Strait, including great group of sweetlips and snappers. The currents are usually quite strong around this site, so be prepared to deal with them at some point during your dive. Wall with numerous overhangs and depressions. Interesting macro subjects like small octopus, Nidibranchs and shrimp. Ascend on the east wall , where surheonfish school around sea fans and large table corals, and friendly batfishes.
Sardine Reef
- Location : East of Kri Island
- Photography: Wide Angle and Macro
- Best Depth: 5-30m
Sardine Reef is one of the premier Dampier Strait dives and can be one of the most action-packed dives in all of Raja Ampat. Fusiliers, surgeonfish, trevally, rainbow runners, tuna, sweetlips, and bannerfish crowd the open water and swarm over a reef decorated with sea fans, soft corals, and sea orange elephant ear sponges encrusted with pastel colonies of tunicates. At Sardine it is not uncommon to hear “fish thunder”, the loud booming sound resulting from the rapid movement of large number of fish through open water.
One of the best site to see sharks hunting .. Grey reef, white tip, black tip, Wobbegong sharks. Manta ray do cruise pass Sardine if you look around. Big school of bumphead parrot fish at shallow depth.
Cape Kri
- Location : East point of Kri island
- Photography: Wide Angle and Macro
- Best Depth 5-30m
Cape Kri has one of the largest concentrations of big fish of any site in northern Raja Ampat. Large school of trevally is usually found at shallow depths; barracuda can be seen anywhere, large concentrations of bannerfish, sweetlips, emperors, and snappers hand in the current near the point. Giant Trevally weight more than 20kg are not unusual here or whitetip and grey reef sharks cruising by Cape Kri. Dive from west to east, beware of strong currents and also down current, follow your experience dive guide closely.
Blue Magic
- Location : About 6 km south of Mioskon
- Photography: Wide Angle and Macro
- Best Depth : 10-30m
We sometime make more than 2 dives on this site during our cruise upon guest requested.. This site is a small east to west ridge, top depth 10m, and is composed of mainly hard corals with a few colourful bommies on the east end. What makes this dive “magical” are the great schools of fish that congregate around the east end during failing tide. This is the Best sites to see “big stuff”. Spanish mackerel, tuna, jacks, barracuda,Eagle rays, grey reef sharks, giant napoleon wrasse, Manta rays, many different big schooling fish, wobbegong sharks, turtle.. This sites offer the most species of fish life on earth we believe.. Really Five stars diving!!!
Manta Sandy / Manta Ridge
- Location : Near Arborek Island
- Photography: Wide Angle
- Best Depth 5-20m
These dives are two of the most reliable Manta ray congregations spots in the Dampier Strait. Sometime 10-20 Manta rays between 3-5m huge circle back again and again for cleaning and feeding on plankton. Most of the time Manta rays appear only when there is current. Remember not to approach the Rays too closely as they may leave the area and not return for some time. Visibility can range from 5-15m most of the time. You are consider very lucky with more than 15m viz.
Saonek Critter
- Location : Near Saonek Island
- Photography: Macro
- Best Depth 5-20m
The village is called saonek, and so far that is the name of the dive site. It is a sandy slope where flamboyant cuttlefish, frogfish and blueringged octopus live happily surrounded by diverse ghostpipe fishes and scorpionfishes! A great and easy dive for critter lovers!
Dive sites around Misool Island
Boo Rock
- Location : Two small rocks east of Boo
- Photography: Wide Angle and Macro
- Best Depth: 3-30m
One of the most impressive sites in all of Raja Ampat. Boo Rocks is best known for the "windows" on the southern end of the largest rock from surface down to about 5 meters. Boo Rocks is known for its scenery, and many interesting macro subjects including pygmy seahorses, soft coral, decorator crabs, and many small commensal animals living with crinoids.
Boo Point East
- Location : Eastern point of Boo Isalnd
- Photography: Wide Angle and Macro
- Best Depth: 5-30m
This sites is swathed in a kaleidoscope of soft corals. The effect is mesmerizing, especially when the corals reach their full extension as the current sweeps over the point. We have seen large Napoleon wrasse, green turtles, batfish. Lovely table corals spread around shallow and protected area.
Tank Rock or Batu Kecil
- Location : Eastenmost rock, Fiabacet group
- Photography: Wide Angle and Macro
- Best Depth: 3-30m
Unforgettable dive site, one of the most wondrous and extensive reef system in Raja Ampat. On the west, a submerged ridge connects Tank Rock to Nudi Rock, and with favourable conditions, it is possible to dive all the way to Fiabacet's middle island. There are 3 pinnacles lie to the east of Tank Rock. Around the pinnacles, Giant grouper about 2-2.5m long sometime approach close to divers at about 30m deep. At times swirling fish are so thick around these spires that is difficult to see the reef. The soft coral are so dense with aggregations of anthias and Damselfish.. Fish life are very healthy and this is one of the most pristine coral reef we ever come across.
Nudi Rock
- Location : Middle island, Fiabacet group
- Photography: Wide Angle and Macro
- Best Depth: 3-30m
You will understand this name when you look on the topside of the rock. The submerged east point of Nudi Rock is undoubtedly one of the top dives in Raja Amapt. Its like Garden of Eden. The underwater land scape, soft coral, sea fan, most outstanding hard coral gardens dominates the shallows southern side. So many medium size fish here ;- snapper, grouper, Napoleon wrasse, turtles, wow Dive!!
Whale Rock
- Location: Largest of the Fiabacet Island
- Photography: wide angle and Macro
- Best depth: 3-30m
Whale Rock arguably the most beautiful tropical reef system on the planet. Hardly a spot on the substrate is left uncovered by sea fan or magnificent growth of soft coral. Fish life; Barracudas, trevally hunting through thick schools of baitfish, schooling bannerfish, juvenile fish, nudibranch. Submerge pinnacles cover with sea fans and soft coral.
Magic Mountain
- Location: Open sea
- Photography: wide angle
- Best depth: 5-30m
Magic Mountain is a submerge reef cover by mainly healthy hard coral and pelagic fish life. It is not unusual to see grey reef sharks, whitetip, Manta ray, schooling barracuda, Tuna, Trevally, fusiliers, Napoleon, turtles.. There was reports in 2011 some group saw False Killing whales while diving in this sites.